J. Braz. Chem. Soc. Report Forms


-From January 2004, the JBCS implemented a new electronic on-line submission procedure. Hence, there is a possibility of sending electronically the revision reports form of the manuscripts.
-In any case, potential reviewers will be contacted by e-mail so that they can choose their best way to receive the manuscript for evaluation and to send their reports. If you prefer sending your review in printed form, please, contact the JBCS office.
-For on-line reviewing, please refer to the instructions sent to you by e-mail or read the instructions bellow. In case of any problem please contact our Editorial Manager at: +55.19.3521.3151.


If you want to send the review ON-LINE follow the steps:

Go to main page of JBCS system (http://jbcs.sbq.org.br) and using your Login and Password go to your file user (Referee) web-page and

find the link with the manuscript name and number.

If you forgot your password, use the link Forgot password ?

or write to office@jbcs.sbq.org.br

Once logged in:

There you will find 3 categories of manuscripts:

1. Invitation(s): (GO into title link to Agree or Decline)

2. Manuscripts for Review: (GO into title link to give your report)

3. Manuscripts already Reviewed

On option "1. Invitation(s)" click into the manusript title link; then you will have acess to all information about the submited manuscript, as the cover letter, and right below the PDF link.

At this point please, you MUST decide if you Agree or Decline the task ASAP.

If you Decline, a box for justification or indication of other potential referees is given and the link is erased from your page.

If you Agree with the task, the manuscript goes to category 2.

In option "2. Manuscripts for Review" the title link of the manuscript will lead you to the same information given before (including PDF) and a button (Click HERE to give ON-LINE REPORT) is available for you to perform the Report ON-LINE anytime. It means that at anytime, whiting the referee deadline, you can go back and give you report. Also, we can remind you about it, for the sake of time.

The REPORT has "rates" to be given for the manuscript, and more important, a "COMMENTS" space box or a upload PDF file botton, to add your considerations. So, to send your comments, two possibilities:

by writing (or pasting) it into a box (pay attention to the window time frame)


by uploading a PDF already saved (usefull when you have a graphic, scheme or structure to show)

At the end you will find the botton Submit Report and only then the report goes ON-LINE.

Then, after sending the Report, the manuscript title link goes to option "3. Manuscript already Reviewed" and you will have acess to your Report. It is usefull if a revised version (name as V2, V3 etc.) is submited, and the Editor asks your re-Review. In this case, the sequence is the same. The New Version Revision will be asked the same way, by an Invitation.